Cassava (Manihot esculenta), also called yuca or manioc, is a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) native to South America. Cassava is extensively cultivated as an annual crop intropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. Nigeria is the world’s largest producer of cassava.
Cassava is the third-largest source of carbohydrates for meals in the world. Cassava is classified as sweet or bitter depending on the level of toxic cyanogenic glucosides; improper preparation of bitter cassava causes a disease called konzo. Nevertheless, farmers often prefer the bitter varieties because they deter pests, animals, and thieves.
Cassava originating from tropical America is known by various names,like cassava kayee, kasapean, pohong tela, tela belada, lame wood, Pangala,and others. Propagation can be done with plants from stem cuttings old cassava. Makologis effects of cassava is as anti-oxidants, anti -cancer, anti-tumor, and increase appetite. The common parts
This plant is the leaves and tubers.
Cassava tubers contain calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate,calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B and C, and starch. While leaf cassava in addition to containing vitamins A, B1 and C, also contain calcium, calories, phosphorus, protein, fat, carbohydrate and iron. While skin stem contains tannins, enzyme peroxidase, glikosa, and calcium
Health Benefits of Cassava
Below are Cassava Benefits related alternative medicine supplements and vitamins. Also explore information on treatment, health benefits & side effects with Cassava Benefits products. Many of the sources come from our Encyclopedia of Natural Health and include relevant health topics. Uses vary, but may include , Relieving Back Pain, and Reducing Inflammation and are non-FDA reviewed or approved, natural alternatives, to use for , Headache, and Tinnitus. Cassava Benefits products are reviewed below.
Stephen Hagadorn
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