Carambola, or starfruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to the Philippines (where they are calledbalimbing or saranate, depending on their sourness),Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka. The tree and its fruit are popular throughout Southeast Asia, the South Pacific and parts of East Asia. The tree is also cultivated throughout the tropics, such as in Peru, Colombia, Trinidad, Ecuador, Guyana,Dominican Republic and Brazil, and, in the United States, in south Florida and Hawaii. The carambola should not be confused with the closely related bilimbi, which is also calledbalimbing in Indonesia.
Health Benefits
Carambola is a rich source of Vitamin C and a 50g serve of the fruit contains a fair amount of both Vitamin B and Vitamin A. Carambolas are good source of dietary fibre and can help to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.
- Star fruit may lower cholesterol levels and add bulk and moisture to feces.
- A decoction of leaves and roots (prepared separately or in combination) can help cure headaches, ringworm, and chickenpox.
- The fruit is known to cure hangovers and prickly heat. You can also use the pickled fruit for hangover just take one piece of the pickled fruit, steam in water and serve.
- The fruit has also been used to treat sore eyes.
- The star fruit is given to nursing mothers as it is commonly believed to stimulate the flow of milk.
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