Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is a species of plant. Itbelongs in the family Fabaceae. It is also known asBastard Medic, Sand Lucerne, and Variegated Lucerne. It is native to the Near East and central Asia. It has been introduced to Europe, central Africa, China,North America, and South America. Alfalfa is a crop. It is used feed livestock.
Alfalfa is a plant which sends its roots down twenty to thirty feet into the ground and brings up the minerals that are not available on the surface. For this reason, the Arabic word Alfalfa means “father of plants”. Alfalfa is rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that play a vital role in the strength and growth of our bones and in the maintenance of a healthy body. It contains protein and vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. It also contains calcium, potassium, carotene, iron, and zinc. It can be taken in the form of seeds, leaves or tablets.
Benefits of Alfalfa
- Vitamin A – for night vision and important for eye health. Builds resistance to infections, especially in the respiratory tract; promotes growth ands vitality; promotes healthy skin and is essential in pregnancy.
- Vitamin E – protects cells against damage from sun’s radiation and air pollution; promotes heart, cardiovascular and muscle health and improved immune function; promotes muscle tone in the body; helps bring nutrients to cells and helps strengthen blood vessel walls, including capillary walls; helps proper focusing of the eyes.
- Vitamin U – promotes health of body to help overcome peptic ulcers.
- Vitamin B6 – helps food assimilation and protein and fat metabolism; promotes nerve and skin health; helps battle nausea symptoms.
- Vitamin K – essential for blood clotting; important in liver functions; may possibly contribute to vitality and longevity. Alfalfa can increase the ability of blood to clot after an injury. Aspirin delays clotting, so taking alfalfa could interfere with the anticoagulant effects of aspirin. Alfalfa should not be used while aspirin or any anti-clotting medication is being taken on a regular basis unless the doctor knows about your supplementation.
- Vitamin D – regulates the use of calcium and phosphorus in the body and is therefore necessary for the proper formation of strong and healthy teeth and bones.